kids and screen time

Kids and Screen Time: What Can You Do As a Parent?

Screens have become a regular sight in today’s world and are now a staple part of life in America as we know it. Even children have grown accustomed to using screens, as technology is integrated into their lives from a very young age. In fact, according to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, children aged 8-12 spend up to a quarter of the day watching or using screens. 

Parents in the U.S. have growing concerns about this increasing screen time. As children spend more time playing computer games and using social media, we are starting to ask how much screen time is too much? Is there a healthy line that was crossed, and how severe are the consequence if so?

Negative effects

A variety of effects caused by too much screen time for children have already been highlighted. One such issue is obesity linked to a lack of physical activity. Most children don’t tend to climb trees while watching their favorite TV programs. Physical health can also be affected by poor posture when using screens. 

Screen time is even believed to affect us after the fact by interfering with sleep patterns and energy levels. These factors must be kept in mind to ensure your children are not suffering from their use of technology.

What can be done?

Fortunately, there are things we can all do to help protect our little ones from excessive screen time. As a parent, you are in a good position to alter your child’s habits for the better. Try limiting screen time during parts of the day like dinner time by asking all family members to put their phones away. This control is also a constructive way to help the family reconnect over some good old-fashioned conversation. 

Alternatively, you can lay down a new law where screens are forbidden an hour before bed and for an hour after getting up in the morning. Why not extend this to limiting screen time in different places like in the car on the way to school? Encouraging other activities like getting involved in a sport can be another great way to prise your children away from their screens.

Instead of limiting screen time, you can try to make it more productive. Introduce your children to exciting projects involving technology that may sprout into a new hobby or skill like programming, which can help them later in life. 

Whatever the course of action, rules can be helpful, but you should also try to ensure your children understand the benefits of a new regime. It is also worthwhile getting to grips with technology yourself to better understand what your children are up to and what dangers surround them.

Technology is undeniably an integral part of our lives and will continue to aid future generations. Pay close attention to how your children are engaging with their devices and lend them a hand if needed to steer them in the right direction away from any hazards.