Snob Appeal Advertising

Snob Appeal Advertising: Everything you Need to know

Snob Appeal Advertising refers to a marketing strategy which helps to persuade the potential buyer to purchase a product, use a service etc. Snob Appeal basically says, you will be in an elite club after using their products or service.

Understand The Snob Effect

Snob Effect is a phenomenon which is described as a situation (in microeconomics) where demand for a certain good by individuals who are considered as HNI (High Net Income) Individuals is inversely related to its demand by those who are in the lower income bracket.

Typically lesser the amount of the particular good, more the “snob value”.

Snob appeal examples which have general snob value are rare works of art, designer clothing and sports cars.

Conclusively, wealthy customers are prone to be lured by skin-deep factors such as rarity, brand prestige and celebrity representation.

Also, collectors from specific fields can suffer from the snob effect. And its prime examples are classic automobiles, stamps and coins.

There is one precisely brilliant military slogan where it says “Do you have what it takes” is a fantastic example of Snob Appeal Advertising…

When to Apply Snob Appeal Advertising?

To make Snob Appeal Advertising effective, you must have a product or service that satisfies a person’s desire to become rich or famous. If you have such a product or service then it can be a great way of Snob Appeal Advertising.

Examples of Snob Appeal Advertising

Some examples of Snob Appeal Advertising consist of Luxurious products that scream you will be looking smarter, wealthier than others after using their products. Some prime examples of snob appeal advertising are apple, rolls royce, rolex, dolce gabbana etc.

These companies use this Advertising Strategy to the fullest!

  1. Rolls Royce
    The first name that comes when you think of luxury, exclusivity and credibility is this legendary company, called Rolls Royce. They infuse class and add charm to any High net worth individual. The Biggest flag bearer of Snob Appeal.
  2. Rolex: An epitome of class and luxury
    It is one of the Veblen Goods, Rolex is considered ultra luxurious and only very limited to wealthy people. It also works as status symbols amongst wealthier ones.
  3. Cigarette Companies & Beverages Companies use it too!
    These Cigarette Companies intentionally use tough men smoking and then propagate to the world as a status symbol. And in some other commercials, these beer companies show some men drinking these alcohols eventually attracting women in a bar. It is giving an underlying message that drinking that specific alcohol will make that consumer more attractive to women.
    Few more examples of Snob Appeal Advertising:
  4. A Baby Food Company that is highlighting (Parents) as the best when purchasing that specific food, and certainly buying a product will also make you a super parent.
  5. Let’s take one more example of a perfume advertisement of a woman dressed in some fancy outfits and some jewelleries and it immediately appeals to the snob, and almost immediately says the woman who uses that perfume is as exquisite as that woman who dressed in some fancy stuff and jewelleries.

Also Read – Top Examples of Fallacies in Advertising

What kind of Audience are They?

Those who seek exclusiveness

By this we have an iconic example for this kind of advertising. 

Lamborghini, A Legendary sports car company which doesn’t spend money on marketing, says their audience are not sitting idle in front of the Television, so it is one of the prime examples of Snob appeal advertising indirectly, as it also seeks exclusivity. 

Who are they targeting, hmmmm?

The Audience who are being targeted by those companies who use these tactical strategies to allure them to believe themselves as superior in social status, wealthy and exclusive compared to others.

What are the characteristics to be considered as Snob-Worthy?

There are certain kinds of characteristics that show off, Reputation, ambience, and quality. Snob Appeal Advertising also adds the purview of credibility and authenticity.

How should snob appeal advertising be applied?

Snob Appeal Advertising is basically applied by creating images that show immense luxury. And more importantly use the language which speaks luxury and pampering.

Snob Appeal Advertising is precisely implemented on Veblen Goods. Veblen Goods, named after American Economist Thorstein Veblen, is a type of luxury goods for which demand increases as the price increases.

Higher the Price, more desirable and valuable the product is.

Also, you may know about the bandwagon effect.

Let’s take a skin-deep dive into bandwagon effect:

Bandwagon effect is a tendency of people to adapt to certain behavior, styles, or attitudes just because others are doing too. It is simply a cognitive bias by which public opinion can change due to particular actions.

Let’s dive into few of them:

  1. Ad Hominem Fallacy: Ad Hominem is a latin word that says “against the person”. It is a logical fallacy where competitors look bad so that people prioritize the advertisers products over their competition. It basically appeals to the users that their competitors’ products are just untrustworthy, inferior etc.
  1. Halo Effect: It is an effect by showcasing company’s successful products in order to elevate public perception about their new products. It is often the companies that make sure they sell additional or unrelated products or services as a result of the brand’s success and reputation.

This Snob Appeal Advertising is one of the most effective strategies of the marketing professionals to make the customers feel superior to others. Also, you should be aware of DSP vs SSP before we brief you more about Snob Appeal Advertising…