save website from getting hacked

How to save my website from getting hacked?

Site getting hacked can be a problem faced by many of the users or creators; the majority of the websites security breach is not for stealing your data or using it for bad purposes but nowadays the security breach takes place to use the website hacked to use it as a platform for spam or to use your server as an email relay spam. So, the website owners must be alert to secure websites from hackers. Normally the hacking takes place or you can say is performed by automated scripts which are written to clean the internet in an attempt to know the security issues in the website in the software. 

So, let us move ahead and discuss the ways by which you can keep your website safe and protected from getting hacked. 

Tips to keep the website secure 

  • Keeping the software of the site up to date 

Keeping the software updated might sound very obvious but is an important part of securing the website or you can say to secure an HTML website. This method not only applies to the software but for the server operating system as well as for any other software that is running on your websites like CMS or forum. You have to make sure that you keep your dependencies up to the date and also use tools like Gemnasium. 

  • Watching for the SQL injection 

SQL injections are attacks that are done by some other users by the use of a web form field or URL to get access to the database of your website and then manipulate it. You can save your site from such attacks by using the parameterized queries regularly and also most of the web languages have this feature and it is pretty simple to install them. 

  • Protecting the sites against the XXS attacks

Before securing the website the users must be aware of what XXS is; XXS which also means Cross-site scripting attacks the website by injecting malevolent JavaScript into your software and then will run into the browser of the users of your website and will change their content or in the worst case can also seal the information of the users. Defending this is similar to the one of SQL injection the website creators need to improve website security and also use the functions like element.setAttribute, and others that will explicitly make the changes that you are looking for while you are generating the HTML. 

  • The users must beware of the error messages that come 

Another way to secure your website is to beware of the error messages which means that you need to be aware of how much information you are providing away with the error message this is a thing the website owners must be aware of. Try to give away only minimal errors to the users to ensure that information is not leaked from your present server. Be careful that you do not provide the exception details either as it will pave the way for the hackers to go for SQL injection. 

“These steps you can follow to save your website if you have developed a website but if your website has been created by a professional web development company then you don’t need to worry about your website security.